Situation when you are rapidly overtaking other vehicles
side assist: Other vehicles being overtaken rapidly
1 Warning lamp on exterior mirror does not light up
The vehicle you are overtaking has not yet been detected by the side assist.
The warning lamp on the exterior mirror does not light up ⇒
in “Safety notes” on page 157.
2 Warning lamp on exterior mirror does not light up
The vehicle you are passing rapidly (with a speed differential greater than 15
km/h) is detected by the side assist but is not judged to be critical in the event
of a lane change since it is dropping back quickly. The warning lamp on the exterior
mirror does not light up ⇒ in “Safety
notes” on page 157.
3 Warning lamp on exterior mirror does not light up
If you operate the turn signal in situation 2, the warning lamp on the exterior
mirror will still not give any warning ⇒
in “Safety notes” on page 157.